Colombia in Race to Reduce Its Hippo Population
In the heart of South America, amidst the vibrant tapestry of Colombian landscapes, an unlikely saga unfolds. The story involves a charismatic megafauna, a delicate ecosystem, and a race against time. The protagonists? The formidable hippopotamus and the Magdalena River, Colombia's lifeblood. Pablo Escobar, the infamous drug lord, brought the first hippos to Colombia in the 1980s as a quirky symbol of his extravagant lifestyle. These four escapees from his private zoo have, over the past four decades, multiplied into a thriving herd of over 120. While their presence might seem like an exotic footnote, the hippos have become an invasive species, posing a significant threat to the native biodiversity and local communities. Hippos on the Loose: The hippos' large size and voracious appetites have disrupted the delicate balance of the Magdalena River ecosystem. They devour aquatic plants, outc...